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Everything You Need To Know About Mouth Ulcers Is Here!

Oral cavity ulcer had experienced surely everybody, indescribable had so one in the mouth, that ache...

Oral cavity ulcer had experienced surely everybody, indescribable had so one in the mouth, that aches!A reason for the oral ulcer, but usually because: smoking, stress and anxiety, high acidity of the fruit, oral internal friction, malnutrition and other causes.
You need to know: most oral sores are benign nuisances that recur repeatedly. For most people, oral sores heal within two weeks. Acid and spicy substances can aggravate oral sores.
A standard oral ulcer usually appears in the inner cheek, lasts about a week, and can heal itself without any treatment.Oral ulcers are classified into three types: large ulcers, small ulcers, and herpetic ulcers.

Herpetic ulcer: herpetic ulcer is a subtype of oral ulcer.
Small ulcer: this ulcer is about 2-8 mm and will heal in about two weeks with mild pain.
Large ulcers: large ulcers are slightly larger, irregularly shaped, and more easily infiltrate into the tissue than smaller ulcers. When they are well, they are likely to leave scars.Symptoms of large or small ulcers are usually one or more sores on the cheeks, upper jaw, tongue, and gums.It is usually a red or white round wound with an irregular shape.
Will someone ask, is canker of oral cavity ulcer the precursor that oral cavity cancerization changes?Of course not!Oral ulcer and oral cancer are two different things!
Oral ulcer will have obvious pain, and oral cancer is not;Oral ulcers usually heal within two weeks. Oral cancer does not.The plaque of oral cancer is rougher and harder;Oral cancer usually forms large red and white sores on the tongue, gums, and canker sores that are not so large.When you have several ulcers in your mouth, or sores that tend to spread over three weeks.This is the best time to go to the hospital to find a doctor for diagnosis.
Oral ulcer has no effective treatment, we can keep the mouth clean, eat more fruits and vegetables, to reduce the extent of ulcer, avoid its aggravation!


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