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The Key to Healing Venous Leg Ulcers

If you or someone you love suffers from a venous leg ulcer (VLU), you know how painful, frustrating,...

If you or someone you love suffers from a venous leg ulcer (VLU), you know how painful, frustrating, and difficult to heal these chronic wounds can be. VLUs are open sores that develop due to increased blood pressure in the veins of the legs. They usually occur near the ankles but can develop anywhere below the knee.
What makes VLUs so challenging is their tendency to persist for months or even years and their high likelihood of returning after healing. This takes a major toll on one’s quality of life. Identifying the factors that influence VLU healing is key to developing better treatments and improving patients’ outcomes. Let’s take a closer look at the current state of evidence.

How VLUs Develop

Venous leg ulcers result from a complex interplay of factors that lead to increased venous pressure, damage to the valves in the veins, and ultimately leakage of fluid into the skin and soft tissue of the lower leg. This process occurs in several key stages:
● Venous Hypertension: The first stage is the development of venous hypertension or abnormally high blood pressure in the veins. This is typically caused by faulty valves in the superficial, deep, and/or perforator veins of the legs.
● Valve Dysfunction: These venous valves are designed to ensure blood flows efficiently from the lower limbs back up to the heart. When the valves become damaged due to age, genetics, blood clots, or injury, they allow blood to flow backwards and pool in the veins.
● Vein Wall Inflammation: The increased pressure and turbulence in the veins cause inflammation and irritation of the vein walls. This activates white blood cells and provokes an inflammatory response.
● Leakage into Skin/Tissue: The inflamed vein walls start to leak fluid, proteins, and blood cells into the surrounding soft tissue. This causes swelling, skin discoloration, inflammation, and breakdown, leading to an open wound - the venous ulcer.
● Stalled Healing: The ongoing venous hypertension, inflammation, and leakage prevent the ulcer from closing. The wound environment contains factors that stall the healing cascade. This is why VLUs can persist for years without proper treatment.
By understanding the step-by-step development of VLUs from venous hypertension to skin breakdown, health providers can better target treatments to interrupt this process and support healing.

Varicose veins development stage. 


Patients can watch for some key signs and symptoms that may indicate a venous leg ulcer is developing:
● Location: Ulcers located around the medial ankle/calf or lower leg are typical.
● Appearance: Skin may appear shiny, discolored, or thickened first before an open sore develops. The wound itself will look irregularly shaped with a red, yellow, or pink wound bed.
● Symptoms: Aching, pain, itching, swelling, and heaviness in the leg that worsens with standing/activity can occur.
● History: Previous leg ulcers, blood clots, varicose veins, or venous insufficiency increase suspicion.
To confirm the diagnosis, medical experts like primary care doctors, dermatologists, vascular specialists, or wound care clinicians will assess the ulcer characteristics and use additional tests:
● Duplex Ultrasound: Uses soundwaves to evaluate the venous and arterial circulation in the leg. Can identify blood flow blockages, valve damage, or reflux.
● Ankle-Brachial Index Test: Compares blood pressure at the ankle to the arm to assess for arterial disease.
● Skin Biopsy: Rarely done but can rule out vasculitis, cancer, or other causes.
● Blood Tests: Assess for diabetes, kidney disease, circulation issues, or infection.
● Leg Elevation Test: Elevating the legs can reveal improvements in swelling, pain, and color that point to a venous origin.
Once the underlying venous disease is confirmed, appropriate treatment can begin to help close the ulcer and prevent recurrence. Ongoing follow-up exams will monitor healing progress.

Woman removing bandages and inspecting her leg after varicose vein surgery with visible wounds 

Factors That Impact Healing

Recent research suggests that the characteristics of the wound itself have the biggest influence on healing potential. Smaller sized ulcers of shorter duration are more likely to heal than larger, longer-standing wounds. Minimal fluid drainage is beneficial, while increased drainage seems to impede healing.
Findings on the role of patient factors like age, weight, and diabetes are mixed. Some studies show these have little impact on healing time, while others suggest they may have a negative effect. More research is needed.
Treatments like compression bandages are vital, but their influence on healing rates is unclear. Surprisingly, some early evidence indicates that routinely used NSAID pain relievers may potentially delay wound closure. Ongoing studies are exploring this further.

Woman with varicose veins applying compression bandage 

Nutrition, inflammation control, infection prevention, consistent leg elevation, exercise, stress reduction, and addressing underlying venous hypertension are also important considerations for optimal healing.


In addition to following their prescribed medical treatments, patients can take an active role in their healing through at-home care:
● Keeping the affected leg elevated above heart level as much as possible to improve circulation and venous return from the lower limbs.
● Performing simple foot and ankle exercises like ankle rolls, flexion stretches, and calf raises to improve circulation.
● Eating a nutritious diet high in vitamins, minerals, and protein provides critical nutrients needed for healing damaged skin and tissue.
● Staying well hydrated by drinking adequate water helps maintain healthy skin and tissue perfusion.
● Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help manage stress levels, which reduces inflammation that may stall wound healing.
● Getting adequate, good quality sleep each night allows the body to devote energy to recovery and optimal repair of the wound.
● Wearing compression stockings daily as recommended, gently squeezes the legs to assist venous circulation.
● Maintaining cleanliness of the skin, dressings, and environment prevents bacterial contamination that could lead to infection.
With a holistic approach combining medical expertise, personalized treatments, and diligent at-home care, the prospects for healing stubborn venous leg ulcers continue to improve.

Legs after varicose vein surgery with sutures, wounds on one leg. 

Achieving Better Healing Outcomes with Personalized Care

Larger, high-quality studies tracking patients over longer periods are needed to better understand interactions between the many factors at play. While wound characteristics are critical, identifying modifiable factors is key to developing new treatments and protocols to improve healing rates.
Incorporating emerging evidence into clinical practice guidelines could optimize patient care. With a personalized treatment approach addressing wound, patient, and lifestyle factors, better VLU healing outcomes and improved quality of life are within reach.
Discover more by clicking the link now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common symptoms of a venous leg ulcer?

Some key symptoms to watch for include skin changes like dryness, discoloration, or thickening, as well as leg swelling, aching, pain, heaviness, and open sores or wounds on the lower leg or ankle. 

What tests help diagnose a venous leg ulcer?

Important diagnostic tests include a duplex ultrasound to evaluate the leg veins, an ankle-brachial index to compare leg and arm blood pressures, advanced imaging like CT or MRI scans, and laboratory studies to uncover related medical conditions.

How can I tell if my leg sore is a venous ulcer versus other causes?

The location on the lower leg, the appearance of the wound, visible varicose veins, and improvement with leg elevation provide clues it is venous. Other causes, like arterial or diabetic ulcers, require different treatments, so seeking an expert diagnosis is advised.

What happens if a venous leg ulcer goes undiagnosed?

Without proper diagnosis and treatment, venous leg ulcers can worsen over time and lead to complications like infection, chronic pain, and mobility limitations. The underlying venous disease also needs to be addressed to prevent recurrence.

When should I see a specialist for a leg ulcer?

It's best to seek care from a vein, vascular, or wound care specialist right away if you notice potential signs of a venous leg ulcer. Catching it early makes treatment more straightforward and effective.

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